The URC researched Tozzer community needs regarding the Tozzer Library’s lower level. This research will take place over the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters.

Methodology & Participants

Three audiences participated in this study: students, faculty, and staff. We had 30+ Anthropology students participate in the Tiny Cafe at Tozzer Library. One student participated in the HUNAP focus group. Twelve students participated in the touchstone tours of the Tozzer lower level.

We conducted a survey for feedback from faculty and library staff through surveys in February 2024.

Research Questions


Participants envision Tozzer’s lower level as a quiet study space for individuals and groups

Results from all methods concluded that participants see Tozzer’s lower level as a quiet space for study. Their preference for furniture backs this up, with individual study pods or nooks receiving the most votes. Furthermore, the top three space types they would like to see in Tozzer Library are Individual Study Space, Group Study Space, and Quiet Space.

Students desire space sectioning and signage

Students in the walk-through noted that at times it was hard to know where designated spaces were in Tozzer's lower level. For example, a student said this about the back right corner of Tozzer by the elevator:

“I feel like this is more individual space because if people are talking here, you might be uncomfortable. So having this living room situation here, it's not very comfortable maybe for the people studying here.”

The entrance to Tozzer’s lower level is imposing

Students upon entering the Tozzer stairs to the lower level feel like they are going the wrong way to the lower level. A student put this experience this way:

“I think for first-time people and even for people who frequent the space, the staircases make it feel like you're in the wrong area of the building. Since there's no signage and it's not super easy to see when you first come in, especially from the top floor.”

Furthermore, students feel like the wall of books is imposing when walking to the lower-level study area. One student put the experience this way:

“I think [the stacks] just create a block of wall as soon as you enter. So you don't know where you're going anymore. It throws you off.”

Students expressed that carrols and chairs could be updated